Seduced by sounds, Viola started collecting sound bytes of ambience and voices during her professional photographic trips. Her passion for storytelling, expressed in pictures with the reportage, is naturally transmitted through sounds in radio documentary. She has started telling some personal stories, integrated into the social context of the times, on the national Italian radio.

RADIO TRE RAI - TRE SOLDI: "Tribù Tattoo - le storie dietro i tatuaggi"
“TATTOO TRIBE, stories behind the images”

A radio documentary by Viola Berlanda

On social networks, in fashion, in music, in public and professional places, we see more and more people illustrating their body with permanent images.

Tattoos, once features of primitive men and later of criminals, have become a trend.

While taking photographic portraits of people who have tattoos, Viola speaks to them, gets to know the reasons behind their choice of images and intimate stories are revealed.

During this period the big tattoo show takes place in Paris and Viola goes there hoping to meet the famous tattoo artist, Tintin, the creator of this worldwide event. Along the way she encounters many different people who give her keys to the history of the art form.