Viola Berlanda combine her passion for traveling, photography and storytelling by working as a author for magazines, radio podcasts, corporate events and dance companies. She is an Italian freelancer born in Turin, but has made her headquarters in Paris.

A small darkroom in Italy is Viola’s starting point. After an internship in the Magnum photo agency in Paris, she start traveling and working as a photo reporter for international magazines. Later she becomes photographing dance performances and the backstage for festivals and companies. The passion for sounds and storytelling lead her begin working as an author of documentary radio broadcasts.


Viola Berlanda has published photo reports in international magazines such as Elle, Le Monde2, Paris Match, Marie Claire, El Mundo, Internazionale, Specchio, D di Repubblica, il Venerdì di Repubblica, Geo , Brigitte. She has worked on subjects such as architecture, travel, design, dance and international affairs. 

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