Seduced by sounds, Viola started collecting sound bytes of ambience and voices during her professional photographic trips. Her passion for storytelling, expressed in pictures with the reportage, is naturally transmitted through sounds in radio documentary. She has started telling some personal stories, integrated into the social context of the times, on the national Italian radio.

RADIO TRE RAI - TRE SOLDI: “I cavalli scalzi di Fahnnestock ranch”
The Barefoot Horses of Fahnestock Ranch

“The barefoot horses of Fahnestock ranch” is an audio documentary in 4 episodes that tells of her experience on a ranch in the backcountry of Los Angeles.

She leaves her life in Paris in order to deeply connect with nature and to spend time with horses and cowboys. 

She found herself in a peculiar ranch, a sort of orphanage for abandoned or neglected horses. Here the owner, Michael, welcomes and educates these animals through respect and love before finding them a new family .

Viola has lots of new encounters and funny adventures in this wild Californian far west an intense and difficult experience that will confirm her growing passion for horses.